Minggu, 07 Februari 2016


The Story of My Life ( Not a song,But Story) Breaking News !! 

Some Facts in this World  


  My name is Regin Georgius. I come from Indonesian. I was born on the 9th of April. I know this not important for you all. But I'll give you all about facts in this world. And you all done it before.

 Some Facts in this World :

 1. No self-awareness

 I know many people in this world average does not know himself. Many people in this world does not know himself,well it is deeds,words,economy,etc. I often meet people who do not know themselves in his actions and his words. Be it in my family and the others. Everyone is always telling the truth. When others make mistakes that have been done in this other person. Then others who never make the mistake of mistreatment like they are already perfect and never commit such mistakes. I really hate people like that. They are annoying, sometimes I want to kill him. 

2 HypoCritical

 I really hate hypocrites. They are just like people no longer play a movie or longer acting. In front of other people is very very good but when again in front of people who detested character instantly transformed like the Pharisees. They have not been taught to value and respect everyone. I never liked the same thing as hypocritical. And many people do not like them. 

3. Arrogant

 There are two types of arrogant people. There were overbearing and arrogant will be their riches wealth. Every arrogant person would never ever be above. Arrogant people will also never be appreciated and respected, because many people do not like arrogant people. Therefore, the proud do not have many friends and always shunned everyone. 

 So that I can say. if there are words that are less pleasing beg forgiveness. That is all and thank you :) :) .